Safe Space catalogue has arrived and it's lovely! Thank you M&G QLD!

Rosie Miller is an artist who lives and works in Cairns, Queensland. Blurring the boundaries between individual studio practice and community participation, Rosie’s practice includes numerous experimental installation workshops with children.


Rosie Miller facilitates workshops with children who play with materials in the space, often constructing environments that ensnare their own bodies. Typically, she may set up certain conditions by erecting a structure or armature out of cardboard or lines of plastic or paper tape. She provides kilometres of materials in the form of rolls of this tape, paper or streamers. The children stretch, drop or throw them in the space. Over time, what started as a light structural outline in three dimensions condenses to function as a drawing in space and then fills more solidly so that it develops further mass and volume and becomes architectural. The artist only nominates a few parameters for the work. It is the children who collaborate with her in its making and they do so in the most dynamic way possible, with whole-body gestures in a kind of ‘action sculpture’. But through a type of entropy, the more they move and the more active they become in the making of the art, the more their bodies eventually become framed and sealed within the space–to the point of entrapment and immobilisation. Sometimes, the material Miller uses (called ‘safety’ or ‘barrier’ tape) even names and amplifies these ideas of protection, containment and limits.

Christine Toussainte Morrow

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Paper Town time-based installation for Tinkering Tank (made in conjunction with participating children at Tanks Arts Centre during the 2018 Cairns Children’s Festival), 2018
Time-lapse digital animation on flat screen, 4 min 18 sec • dimensions variable
Photograph by Lily Castleman • Image courtesy of the artist

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Reflections on PAPER TOWN 

Construction and occupation of ephemeral space


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   Spaces realised by children uninhibited by reality nurture       creative imagination.. PLAY


The collective behaviour of the crowd dominates the environment..  a kind of wildness is born out of freedom to play.. to occupy a space with some paper and tape.. and your imagination.. the potential for what you could build stimulates the child and the adult.. it happens too at great speed which brings with it an excitement of its own.. pleasure in the immediacy of the build.. satisfaction of developing a space to occupy instantly granted.. you build it, enter it and you could be anywhere.. you feel a sense of pride and ownership of the space albeit temporary, your creative constructive decisions have been realised.. child architectural sensibilities play out, walls floors doors and windows define a space then accessories are added, chimneys, lights, furniture.. then as the mind wonders it’s time to explore the neighbourhood, investigate what others have made.. numerous identified spaces constitute a town.. lights down, torches on, construction ends and occupation begins.. imagination and play under the watchful delighted eyes of parents and carers.


This was the experience of Paper Town an interaction with 3450 participants at the Tanks Arts Centre Cairns Children's Festival 2018. 

Rosie Miller


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Welcome to my website!

I seemed to have made this site live a little prematurely.. it's now 'online and under construction'

It's a little shy in the text department, soon to be less than shy.